An Improved Password Security Based on Salted Password and Hash Emotion using Bcrypt Algorithm

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ปริญญา นาโท
ศิรปัฐช์ บุญครอง


Cryptographic hash functions are ones of many methods used for password storing.
However, cryptographic hash functions were designed to be very fast, which means there
is a clack for Rainbow Table attack therefore, using hash functions alone is, therefore,
not enough for storing passwords security. This paper proposed a method which uses a salt
value with Bcrypt before storing the password in the database. The security was proved
by using Hashcat. The results showed that Bcrypt on its own and Bcrypt with a salt value
could withstand the attack.

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How to Cite
นาโท ป. and บุญครอง ศ., “An Improved Password Security Based on Salted Password and Hash Emotion using Bcrypt Algorithm”, RMUTI Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 136–145, Apr. 2018.
Research article


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