Avocado Species Classification System Using Deep Learning Technique via Smartphone
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Avocado is a fruit that is slightly more expensive than other fruits, depending on the species. Nevertheless, the identification of avocado species is a very complex and difficult process, suitable only for specialists. In this work, the development of a system for the analysis of avocado species is proposed. This is a mobile application that uses deep learning to analyze the physical appearance of the avocado and identify the species. The research process started with the collection of images of three avocado species (Peterson, Buccaneer and Booth 7). A model was developed using convolutional neural network, TensorFlow and python programming language. The model was then evaluated for accuracy, precision and recall. Then, the model was used for system development, which was written in Android Studio. Finally, the system was evaluated based on classification accuracy. The result was that deep learning can provide high classification performance. The 1.0 MobileNet-224 had the best accuracy of 97.10%, precision of 97.20% and recall of 97.10%. A smartphone test showed that the system was able to identify avocado species with an average accuracy of 84.45%. All experimental results show that the proposed method is able to provide accurate results for the classification of avocado species, and thus is very useful to efficiently accomplish the task of avocado species identification.
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