Genera Composition of Stony Coral and Status of Coral Reef at Koh Kradan and Koh Cheuk, Trang province

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Kanungnit Limjirakajorn
Supaporn Prempree
Baranee Bamrung
Chutima Chumming
Jakkrit Wissapan
Phatcharee Roekngandee
Eknarin Rodcharoen


Koh Kradan and Koh Cheuk are important natural tourist areas in Trang province. Diving is one of such activity which can be affected on coral health, mortality and biodiversity. The objectives of this study were to investigate genera composition of stony corals and evaluate the coral reefs status at Koh Kradan and Koh Cheuk, Hat Chao Mai National Park, Trang province. The results revealed that Koh Kradan has a higher genus coral diversity (19 genera, H’=2.99) than Koh Cheuk (14 genera, H’=0.96). The dominant coral genus found on both islands is Porites. The Analysis of Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA)revealed that genera composition and percentage coverage of corals between the two islands was not statistically different (p = 0.103). The coral assessment showed that living corals and dead corals at Koh Kradan was 37.81% and 39.55% respectively (ratio 1: 1.04), and Koh Cheuk was with 25.61% and 61.65%, respectively (ratio 1: 2.40). The evaluation of coral status at Koh Kradan can be concluded to fair condition, and deterioration for Koh Cheuk. This study provided important data for monitoring coral reef changes, and as a guideline for sustainable coral reefs management in Hat Chao Mai National Park in the future.

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How to Cite
Limjirakajorn, K., Prempree, S., Bamrung, B., Chumming, C., Wissapan, J., Roekngandee, P., & Rodcharoen, E. (2022). Genera Composition of Stony Coral and Status of Coral Reef at Koh Kradan and Koh Cheuk, Trang province. PKRU SciTech Journal, 6(1), 47–58. retrieved from
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