Effect of Reaction Time in Liquid Hot Water Pretreatment on Methane Potential of Oil Palm Fiber
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Oil palm fiber (OPF) is a lignocellulosic biomass. Lignin and hemicellulose made it low digestibility in an anaerobic digestion for methane production. This research aimed to study the effects of reaction time (30, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 min) at a controlled reaction temperature of 180๐C in the liquid hot water pretreatment on methane potential of OPF. The results showed that the optimum reaction time for pretreatment of OPF with liquid hot water was 30 min which was the least reaction time, the obtained methane yield was 87.7+1.1 LCH4/kgVS which was 34.5% higher than that of untreated OPF. Increasing the reaction time longer than 30 min insignificantly increased the methane yield because of accumulation of lignin. The results of this research are useful for further development. The combination of liquid hot water and delignification should be further investigated to improve methane potential of OPF.
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