The Scheduling Work for Reducing Labor Cost of Siam Tin Food Co., Ltd., Satun Province, Thailand

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Chareeta Ngahjeh
Kittisak Tinpun


In this research, we studied about a scheduling work of employees. They must be assigned to have work shifts in order to get the minimum wage of a labor cost. In addition, we also presented the mathematical models by using an integer linear programming. The objectives of these models are to get a work schedule for workers under various conditions and constrains from a company. In this work, the models will be separated in two parts. The first model is to determine the minimum number of employees to work. For the second model, we used Scilab to fit this model so as to have a timetable for each employee to work in a shift. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to reduce the number of employees and the cost of hiring employees in the company. Moreover, we also created the timetable for each worker in order to increase work efficiency of the workers in the company.

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How to Cite
Ngahjeh, C., & Tinpun, K. (2021). The Scheduling Work for Reducing Labor Cost of Siam Tin Food Co., Ltd., Satun Province, Thailand. PKRU SciTech Journal, 5(2), 31–41. retrieved from
Research Articles


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