The Improvement of Electrical System Installation Process A Case Study of Supakarn Company Limited

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Hanphon Mitwong
Thanwa Thongrak


The objective of this research is to study, search for problems, and improve the electrical system installation process of Supakarn Company Limited to be more efficient. This research focuses on the installation of a small electrical system that can be completed within one day. The sample group is specific to the work process of the electrical system technician department. We used the flow process chart and the focus group to analyze the cause of problem, and used ECRS tools to improve work. The results showed that before improving of the electrical installation process, the working process took 7 hours 43 minutes. We used brainstorming of people involved in the electrical installation process and using ECRS to eliminate, combine, rearrange, and simplify the installation process. We found that the time spent in installation process was reduced to 6 hours 2 minutes, which was reduced by 21.8%. Moreover, the improvement process could increase the proportion of value-added activities from 56% to 64% or increase 8%.

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How to Cite
Mitwong, H., & Thongrak, T. (2020). The Improvement of Electrical System Installation Process A Case Study of Supakarn Company Limited. PKRU SciTech Journal, 4(2), 33–42. retrieved from
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