PKRU SciTech Journal aims to publish research article. The journal covers the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Food Science, Marine Science, Computer Science, Health Science, and Environmental Science. We publish 2 issues a year (issue 1 January - June & issue 2 July - December) in online publication only. Manuscripts submitted must have not been published elsewhere, as well as not in the consideration by other journals. Moreover, the manuscripts will be peer reviewed by at least 3 reviewers before publishing. Publication fee of this journal is 3,500 Thai bath (THB). The fee will be paid in 2 processes. The first process is 2,500 THB after the manuscript is qualified by the editorial board. The second process is 1,000 THB after the manuscript is evaluated by three reviewers and accepted for publication in PKRU SciTech Journal. Processes of manuscript evaluation are double-blind.
ISSN 2822-1044 (Online)
Current Issue
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): January - June
Full Issue
Research Articles