A Review on Current Design of Pile Foundations in Bangkok

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Siranya Thongchart
Siranya Thongchart
Pawaris Ruennusarn


This paper presents a process of pile foundation design since the planning of soil exploration, consideration of design parameter and related laws or regulations. The questionnaire was used to interview the target group. And pointed out the issues to be aware of the context and conditions of the study area. The study concluded that. The wash boring method is mostly used for drilling exploration and field testing using SPT. The parameters of shear strength design transformed by using N-value. Consideration of settlement is based on the principle of piling on hard clay. For laws or regulations related to the design are the Building Control Act, Ministerial regulation no. 6 are mainly considered and Thailand Engineering Standard. Contextual analysis of this area found that an issue was Bangkok Clay is very low shear strength, highly water content, highly compressibility and sensitive. Therefore, in the soil exploration, the designer should define the required design parameters and thoroughly examine the results of the drilling. The current practice of pile foundation design in this area, there are still a number of issues that are important information. For consideration to find the correct and appropriate guidelines for standard pile foundation engineering will continue to occur in Thailand

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How to Cite
Thongchart, S., Thongchart, S., & Ruennusarn, P. (2019). A Review on Current Design of Pile Foundations in Bangkok. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 14(1), 11–28. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nuej/article/view/89799
Research Paper


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