Root Distribution in Landslide Area, Mae Phrong-Mae Phun Watershed, Uttaradit Province

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Massamon Akejit
Warakorn Mairaing
Bunpoat Kulsuwan
Montol Pansatan


Studies of root reinforcement for soil slope stability require the knowledge of root pattern, radius of root spread and root density. In Mae Prong-Mae Pun watershed, Laplae district, Uttaradit province. The field investigation, the roots were exposed by water jetting. Then mapping of root distribution by 3D-scanner, photography were taken. Inverse Pagoda (Chedi) pattern of orchard plants and natural forest trees is the most common pattern, it is accounts 9 of 14 investigated trees found on orchard plants and natural forest tree.  Then bowl and monk alms bowl pattern are the less common, they account for 3 and 2 out of 14 tree types respectively, found on pioneer plant. Natural forest tree have the largest root spread with radius of 3-5 m., then orchard plants, 0.9-3.7 m., and pioneer plant, 0.5-0.8 m., respectively. Natural forest tree also has the deepest root depth of 0.8-1.6 m., then orchard plant is 0.9-1.3 m. and pioneer plant is 0.3-0.5 m. Root density in term of Root Area Ratio (RAR%). Pioneer Plants has maximum RAR% of 2-3.2% at 0.1 m. When orchard plants and natural forest trees have RAR of 7-17% at 0.2 m. and 4-8.5% at 0.1-0.2 m. deep respectively. Coffee tree (Coffea robusta Pierre ex Froehner L.) has the advantage of  preventing soil surface erosion is with thickness of fibrous root, RAR% 22-37% at 0-0.6 m. Root Cohesion can be evaluated by the root density and Root Tensile Strength in further research.

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How to Cite
Akejit, M., Mairaing, W., Kulsuwan, B., & Pansatan, M. (2018). Root Distribution in Landslide Area, Mae Phrong-Mae Phun Watershed, Uttaradit Province. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 13(2), 156–162. retrieved from
Research Paper


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