การเพิ่มสัดส่วนก๊าซมีเทนที่แหล่งกำเนิดของน้ำเสียโรงงานน้ำมันปาล์มโดยวิธีการหมุนเวียนน้ำเสียผ่านคอลัมน์คายก๊าซ In-situ Methane Enrichment of Palm Oil Mill Wastewater by Effluent Recirculation to Stripping Column

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จีระศักดิ์ หลงมะลิ
พฤกษ์ อักกะรังสี


Biogas utilization often experiences a relative low calorific value due to high carbon dioxide (CO2) content, a CO2 product from anaerobic digestion process, resulting in a low of methane (CH4) : CO2 ratio. The objective of research is to study the effects of the recirculation rate of wastewater from biogas fermenter tank to discharge gas tank. The goal is to reduce the CO2 in the biogas produced from palm oil mill wastewater using anaerobic fermentation process, which would increase the proportion of methane in the biogas produced. The recirculation rates were studied at the rate of 0%, 230%, 330%, and 430% of the total volume of digester volume through the stripping tank size of 11 liters, which is installed with Chiang Mai University channel digester (CMU-CD) acted as an anaerobic digester size 1100 liters. The results showed that the recirculation rate at 230% of the total volume of digester volume was optimum rate for the increase of CH4 in the biogas plant. This rate produce about 71.0±6.2% of CH4 and remove about 111±17 milliters of CO2 per liters of air with the loss at 5.9% of CH4. It is therefore one alternative to enrich the concentration of methane in biogas from the palm oil wastewater.

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How to Cite
หลงมะลิ จ., & อักกะรังสี พ. (2018). การเพิ่มสัดส่วนก๊าซมีเทนที่แหล่งกำเนิดของน้ำเสียโรงงานน้ำมันปาล์มโดยวิธีการหมุนเวียนน้ำเสียผ่านคอลัมน์คายก๊าซ: In-situ Methane Enrichment of Palm Oil Mill Wastewater by Effluent Recirculation to Stripping Column. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 12(2), 63–72. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nuej/article/view/79130
Research Paper


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