Development of Maize Husk Silage for Native Beef Cattle Using Design of Experiment

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Erawin Thavorn
Somchart Thana
Choke Sorachakura
Chayut Dongpaleethun
Khanchai Danmek


This aim of this research is to develop maize husk silage for native beef cattle. This research focused on the three additive substances including rice bran of 0.30 and 0.7 %(w/v), molasses of 0.30 and 0.7 %(w/v), and fermentation starter of 0.15 and 0.25 %(w/v). The 23 factorial design was applied to study factors the protein affecting and appropriate setting. After collecting all data, the results revealed that molasses significantly affected the protein (P<0.05) and appropriate setting were rice bran of 0.7%(w/v), molasses of 0.7%(w/v), and fermentation starter of 0.28%(w/v) in order to maximum the protein of  3.48%. This research studied contaminated fungus in maize husk silage and found that correct fermentation of maize husk silage inhibit the growth of microorganisms and toxin from fungus. Therefore, from the confirmation testing, the result demonstrated that maize husk silage can be used as good roughages for native beef cattle when compare with rice straw.

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How to Cite
Thavorn, E., Thana, S., Sorachakura, C., Dongpaleethun, C., & Danmek, K. (2017). Development of Maize Husk Silage for Native Beef Cattle Using Design of Experiment. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 12(1), 107–114. retrieved from
Research Paper


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