การบูรณาการข้อมูลแบบกระจายบนเครื่องลูกข่าย Distributed Data Integration on Client Side

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Chaowarat Tangrueng
Woralak kongdenfha
Phongphun Kijsanayothin


The data integration is very important to both small and large organizations. The organizations have to use the information from multi-stakeholder to analyzed and evaluate plan or policy. The problems in the data processing or storage/memory occurs because the data information is large and distributed for the example, long time response to requester, take more cost of systems or databases maintenance. This research proposes a concept to develop a system for large and distributed data integration by moving the workload to the client. We separate tasks based on the needs of users and parallelizing distributed information for optimizing results. The result shows this concept can support the larger data and service that make system is scalable and improve a lot of performance compare with general concept at more than 32 concurrent clients request.

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How to Cite
Tangrueng, C., kongdenfha, W., & Kijsanayothin, P. (2018). การบูรณาการข้อมูลแบบกระจายบนเครื่องลูกข่าย: Distributed Data Integration on Client Side. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 12(2), 95–102. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nuej/article/view/71669
Research Paper


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