Thai Metadata Extraction by Using Case-based Reasoning

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Krisda Khankasikam


This paper reports an experience of humanassisted process to extract metadata from Thai documents. Nowadays, a number of Thai archives are placed online for sharing increasingly because the Internet infrastructure is powerful preserving and sharing knowledge require appropriate processes. Metadata, data about data, is a very useful information technology today because it helps users to differentiate significant from non-significant documents. The manually harvesting of these metadata elements is highly laborintensive, costly and time-consuming then automated is a key to successful preservation. The experiment, a prototype system by using Case-based Reasoning algorithm for metadata extraction is introduced. Casedbased Reasoning is an approach in artificial intelligence that differs from other approaches. The Thai metadata extraction were performed on some Thai articles which content related to sufficient economy and Thai folk wisdom and was evaluated the approach by using the standard precision, recall and f-measure indices. The study illustrated that this approach helps knowledge workers in a domain to come together, share educational material and greatly reduce the labor work of metadata creation process.

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How to Cite
Khankasikam, K. (2014). Thai Metadata Extraction by Using Case-based Reasoning. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 5(2), 21–27.
Research Paper