Real-Time Root Cause Analysis of Governor Control System for Sirikit Hydropower

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Uthai Kumthai
Suttichai Premrudeepreechacharn


The existing governor control system of Sirikit Hydropower is designed as a standalone system. It communicates to another system such as the distributed control system (DCS), protection system, and excitation system by hardwiring. Some abnormal events are the group alarms that cause the operator and maintenance team to spend more time on problem-solving. This paper studies real-time root cause analysis of the governor control system for Sirikit Hydropower. This real-time root cause can improve operator and maintenance team performance, especially in case of emergency and ready-to-start events. The real-time root cause analysis system knowledge is based on input/output real-time data of the governor system and DCS, maintenance instruction manual, history events, and drawing of the governor control system. The root cause analysis in this research is a fault tree logic analysis technique for diagnosing alarms and emergency events. Developing a graphical user interface is a real-time troubleshooting guide monitor with user-friendly. This system can help the operator and maintenance team to solve problems of the governor control system more effectively.

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How to Cite
Kumthai , U., & Premrudeepreechacharn, S. (2023). Real-Time Root Cause Analysis of Governor Control System for Sirikit Hydropower. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 18(2), 18–24. retrieved from
Research Paper


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