Low Frequency Planar Wireless Power Transfer with Impedance Matching using L-Section Matching Network for Underwater EVs

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Assoc.Prof.Dr.Wanchai Pijitrojana


For the Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) system, the impedance Matching (IM) is the technique in which a wide range of resonant and strong coupling structures have been studied which mostly operate at an ideal parameter, i.e., resistive load and high RF greater than1MHz, however these parameters have some limitations in which the most important is that the high frequency is usually inefficient and complex load.  This paper presents an L-section matching network to find the ideal load and source conditions. Thus, under the normal load and source conditions, we estimate the maximum power transfer efficiency and describe how to configure the matching network for the given load and source conditions for low-frequency WPT system. The L-section matching network to connect to a WPT structure using air-core spiral coils. The following configuration of network can operate at a low frequency of 20 kHz. From the calculation the moderate efficiency is 67 % while the efficiency from the experiment is 60 % at 9-cm transfer distance without an ideal parameter. The applications of the proposed work are suitable for underwater electric vehicles. Since the eddy current loss of seawater is critical when the operating frequency is higher than 250 kHz.

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How to Cite
Pijitrojana, A. (2023). Low Frequency Planar Wireless Power Transfer with Impedance Matching using L-Section Matching Network for Underwater EVs. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 18(2), 1–8. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nuej/article/view/249518
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