The Parametric Study of Soil Slope Stabilized with Geotextile Sand Container Based on Review Works and Finite Element Analysis

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Jitinun Prommarin
Peerapong Jitsangiam
Tawatchai Tanchaisawat


This study aimed to evaluate influential characteristics of the so-called geotextile sand container (GSC), affecting to an increase of its maximum compressive strength and apparent cohesion for applying slope stability improvement. This evaluation was based upon an established relationship (Matsuoka et al., 2000) between the capacities of geotextile tensile strength and filled sand properties. The influential factors used in this study were geotextile tensile strength depending upon types and thicknesses and the internal friction angle of filled sand depending upon types, strength, and density, and width and depth of GSC. Study results revealed higher geotextile tensile strength, and filled sand internal friction angle, better shear strength of GSC. Besides, a decrease of the geotextile container depth resulted in a significant increase in the GSC strength. However, an increase in the geotextile container width showed a slight increase in the GSC strength. For the slope stability improvement with GSC through the finite element simulation, study results demonstrated that GSC could enhance better slope stability than that of one without GSC. However, the slope stability improvement with GSC must consider the affecting factors of GSC arrangement patterns on a slope, a depth of a GSC stack layer, and an inclination degree of a slope.

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How to Cite
Prommarin, J., Jitsangiam, P. ., & Tanchaisawat, T. . (2020). The Parametric Study of Soil Slope Stabilized with Geotextile Sand Container Based on Review Works and Finite Element Analysis. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 15(2), 122–135. retrieved from
Research Paper


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