Tabu Search Method for Model of Blood Inventory System with Two Priorities

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Suratsawadee Naiyanart
Kanchala Sudtachat


Red bloods are an important product for treating patients and are considered as perishable inventory. The shortage of red blood cells in the blood vessels may result in the loss of patients' lives. This research proposes the tabu search (TS) method to use to manage the inventory system for red blood parcels. The objectives are to determine a blood ordering policy (unit) for each period, quantity of the appropriate blood inventory level and obtained the lowest expected total cost by considering the smallest shortage of blood occurring under uncertain conditions. We assume that there are two types of blood demands from regular patient and emergency patient demands. The blood transfusion policy will supply the blood with a shorter shelf life first to the patients (first come first serve). We assume that allocate the blood units to the emergency patients with 100 percent services level. The comparison of the appropriate order quantity units obtained from the tabu search (TS) method and from the current purchase policy are experimented by using the actual blood demand data from a hospital. Considering the appropriate policy, the results show that the current policy provides the highest total cost and the smallest percentage of service level. The results show that the inventory up to level policies with non-fixed period and the fixed period by using the TS search method provide the similar results of expected total costs and a percentage of service levels, and the lower expected total cost than other methods.

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How to Cite
Naiyanart, S. ., & Sudtachat , K. . (2020). Tabu Search Method for Model of Blood Inventory System with Two Priorities. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 15(2), 105–121. retrieved from
Research Paper


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