Evaluation of Relationship Between Brake Performances, Properties of Brake Pad and Hot-Pressing Process Parameters by QFD Technique

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Anutida Makmee
Prachuab Klomjit


Due to high competition in brake pad manufacturing especially in term of quality, brake performance must be perfectly designed to meet the customer needs. The performance testing of brake pad is practically difficult and relatively high cost, so brake pad quality is controlled by physical property tests instead. In production process, Hot-pressing process is the most crucial step because it directly affects physical properties and performances. The study asserted that formula “B” from sample manufactory was high value and mass produced with low manufacturing waste, yet it received lots of customer complains. It could be expected that the process control and the detection couldn’t solve all problems. The objective of this study was to evaluate relationships between brake performances, physical properties of brake pad and hot-pressing process parameters by using Quality Function Deployment technique (QFD). The relationship evaluation was a tool to help process control in production. The result showed that formula B was originally designed for high stopping performance. Also, it was found that there were five parameters of hot-pressing process; pressure, temperature, holding time, number of gas release and lifting height; that had high impact to physical properties and performances of brake pad. In addition, QFD technique showed the significant weight of each parameter which was 15%.

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How to Cite
Makmee, A. ., & Klomjit, P. (2020). Evaluation of Relationship Between Brake Performances, Properties of Brake Pad and Hot-Pressing Process Parameters by QFD Technique . Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 15(1), 53–65. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nuej/article/view/236616
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