Building of a Simple Ground Station for Receiving Satellite Images for Meteorology

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Thanapong Phanthong
Aranya Laosing


This research aims to create a simple ground station to receive NOAA satellite signals in the form of APT (Automatic Picture Transmission) in the frequency range from 137.1000 MHz to 137.9125 MHz for the use of meteorological benefits. By focusing on the construction of three appropriate antenna types, namely, a Quadrifilar Helix (QFH) antenna, which uses the Radio Grade (RG6) cable as the signal core, a QFH antenna, which uses copper pipe as the signal core, and a Yagi dipole antenna. This satellite image receiver system is easily built without the pre-amplifier and band-pass filter. However, the Software Defined Radio (SDR) is used in the system using the SDR Sharp software to control the operation of the receiver system, the Orbitron software is used for satellite tracking, and the WxtoImg software is used to decode the signal. As the result of testing the satellite image receiver system with three types of antenna, it appears that the QFH antenna, which uses a copper pipe as the signal core is suitable one for use in the satellite image receiver system for ground station. Moreover, the received satellite image by this antenna can be interpreted similarly to the satellite image obtained from the Meteorological Department in Thailand, or the website of

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How to Cite
Phanthong, T., & Laosing, A. (2019). Building of a Simple Ground Station for Receiving Satellite Images for Meteorology. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 14(2), 67–81. retrieved from
Research Paper


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