Analysis of Criteria and Public Transportation Routing in Ubonratchathani Province

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Channarong Puchongkawarin
Kasin Ransikarbum


Ubonratchathani province is currently using a minibus as one of the services and plans to adopt an electric bus for the future public transportation. Thus, this research aims to analyze the public transportation in Ubonratchathani province as a case study by focusing on three key aspects 1) An analysis of satisfaction levels for commuters using the current public transportation and related transportation decisions using questionnaires. The sample data were collected from 230 passengers and analyzed using mixed methods research. The main concern from a logistical aspect accounting for 28.10% is related to the certain arrival and departure time schedule of the minibus. 2) An analysis of logistical factors and alternatives using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach for the selected focus group. We found that the electric bus is the best alternative that could be further used with weighted score of 0.23. 3) An analysis of the optimal public transportation routes using mathematical optimization. We used the surveyed data related to preferred locations for the transit to analyze the shortest path/ route using the so-called Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) under limited travel time, in which the starting and ending points were not necessarily the same. We then suggest future routes for possible future routes for an electric bus in Ubonratchathani province. The developed system based on the above tools can be used to aid decision makings and analyze other public transportation routings not only for Ubonratchathani province, but also for other provinces as well. 

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How to Cite
Puchongkawarin, C. ., & Ransikarbum, K. . (2020). Analysis of Criteria and Public Transportation Routing in Ubonratchathani Province. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 15(1), 6–16. retrieved from
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