CFD Analysis of the Slippage Effects on Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication in Line Contact Problem

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Sutthinan Srirattayawong


In this paper, the effects of a slippage on an elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) in line contact problem using an advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model are presented. A cylindrical roller is assumed to be infinitely long and rotates on a plate under an applied load. In addition, the no-slip and slip boundary conditions were defined between lubricant and solid walls. The Navier-Stokes and the elasticity equations were solved simultaneously. The Ree-Eyring model was used to calculate the viscosity of lubricant. The developed CFD model had been applied to the series of cases of lubricated slippage effect with the applied loads L=1.5 kN and 2.5 kN, slide-to-roll ratios: SRR =0, 1 and 2 under the thermal condition. The flow characteristics in the CFD model such as the pressure distribution, the fluid film thickness, the velocity of fluid flow, the viscosity and the temperature distribution were investigated. To illustrate, the developed CFD model is successively to simulate the EHL line contact problem, and can deal with the slippage problem. The simulation results show that the slippage effect is significant to the EHL problem, especially in the case of pure sliding.

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How to Cite
Srirattayawong, S. (2018). CFD Analysis of the Slippage Effects on Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication in Line Contact Problem. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 13(2), 19–25. retrieved from
Research Paper


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