Influence of Sociocultural Aspects and Home Modification on Fall Risks Mitigation Among the Elderly in Thailand
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This study investigates the impact of sociocultural dimensions on home modifications aimed at mitigating fall risks among elderly individuals residing in community settings. Personal measurements and questionnaire interviews were conducted across five regions in Thailand. Additionally, fall risk assessments were performed on the households of the elderly participants. These assessments incorporated both personal health factors and environmental risks associated with falls, resulting in quantifiable scores. The factors included health conditions, body size, sociocultural factors such as family conditions, physical-cultural aspects of elevated houses, bathroom and bedroom. The research revealed that these factors are significantly associated with fall risk (ρ <0.01), except body dimensions. Differences in body size among elderly individuals in different regions were significantly related to incidences of fall risk (ρ <0.05 in Chiang Mai female, Khonkaen male, Rangsit female, and Songkhla female). The contribution of this research is that different regions have varying body limitations and living culture. It was concluded that elderly females in Chiang Mai are at the highest risk of falling due to body shrinkage, residing in vernacular houses with hazards, and living alone. Overall, universal design may not be directly applicable for home modification in each region. Consequently, the study suggested that home modifications alone may not offer a comprehensive solution for mitigating fall risks as sociocultural factors related to living conditions also play a significant role in shaping these outcomes.
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