Restoring Tranquility: Tackling Traffic Noise for Enhanced Comfort in Indonesia Kaya Park, Semarang City, Indonesia

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David Suwarno Kusweanto
Natania Nysa Pertiwi N. S.
Eldisya Martha Jebatu


The comfort of a landscape can be seen from the microclimate and traffic noise in the landscape. Traffic noise, including tire and engine noise, is a common disturbance, particularly in cities, and can lead to diseases. Indonesia Kaya Park, located in Mugassari, Semarang City, is an urban park and public space managed by the Djarum Foundation. Despite numerous studies evaluating its accessibility and biophilic elements, the condition of traffic noise nor potential interventions have been considered. The research question aims to understand the traffic noise condition of Indonesia Kaya Park and identify necessary interventions. The study used a mixed methodology, combining quantitative and qualitative methods such as qualitative description, IDW, and I-SIMPA. Indonesia Kaya Park should implement a 1.5-meter buffer using endemic plants and bamboo to reduce traffic noise. The I-SIMPA application was used for a simulation, showing a 6.3 dB reduction by using a buffer. However, further studies are needed to simulate artificial interventions, as I-SIMPA cannot simulate complex structures like twisted bamboo. Further research is needed to improve the park's noise control strategy in terms of the acoustic behavior of each vegetation species. This research recommends placing interventions in high urgency to promote better health and a better experience in Indonesia Kaya Park.

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How to Cite
Suwarno Kusweanto, D., Nysa Pertiwi N. S., N. ., & Martha Jebatu, E. (2025). Restoring Tranquility: Tackling Traffic Noise for Enhanced Comfort in Indonesia Kaya Park, Semarang City, Indonesia. Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 24(1), Article 503.
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