Otherness, Belonging, and Production of Space: The Case of Amenity Migration in Fethiye, Türkiye
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The article delves into the intricate dynamics of amenity migration and rural gentrification, investigating the challenges that arise when residents and newcomers encounter. Amenity migration, which occurs when individuals relocate to an area in search of desirable features, often leads to rural gentrification. This process involves economic and social changes brought about by the arrival of wealthier residents. While amenity migration can bring economic advantages, it also presents difficulties such as displacement and cultural transformations within the community. The study recognizes the concept of "otherness" is introduced to shed light on potential cultural and social conflicts between amenity migrants and the existing community. With a specific focus on British immigrants in Fethiye, Türkiye, the research aims to unravel how these immigrants establish connections with the place. It explores whether they identify themselves as locals or tourists and examines their sense of belonging within the spatial context. In order to comprehend the relational generation of distinctiveness based on person and place attributes in connection with relevant entities, the decision-tree method is employed. Moreover, an ANOVA matrix is used to recognize the most effective decision mechanisms among spatial and demographic attributes.
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