Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of Case Study as Methodological Approach in Streetscape Research

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Ferdy Sabono
Indah Widiastuti
Iwan Sudradjat


In recent decades, streetscape research has advanced quickly in tandem with societal understanding of the impact of urban environmental quality on aesthetic satisfaction and urban dwellers' well-being. The case study method is one of the methodological approaches that has grown in popularity in streetscape research. However, no researchers have yet conducted a comprehensive investigation into the efficacy of case studies when used in streetscape research. Based on the experiences and findings of other researchers using case studies as their research design, this study explores the potential advantages and drawbacks of using case studies in streetscape research. The study uses the systematic literature review method to collect and analyze past relevant streetscape research findings to identify the potential advantages and disadvantages researchers may face when doing their streetscape research, which comprises several stages, namely case selection, development of a theoretical framework, data gathering, data analysis, discussion, and conclusion. The research findings have shown that the case study approach can result in in-depth studies by creating a well-defined research protocol that aligns with the particular environmental situation under examination. However, adopting technology in streetscape research can pose difficulties and limitations for researchers, such as the challenge of accessing advanced technology and mastering the complexity of analytical tools with intricate requirements.

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How to Cite
Sabono, F., Widiastuti, I., & Sudradjat, I. (2024). Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of Case Study as Methodological Approach in Streetscape Research. Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 23(2), Article 411. https://doi.org/10.54028/NJ202423411
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