Prioritizing Target Motorcycle Owners to Promote Electric Vehicles Among Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Bangkok
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Governments in many countries have announced their own emission targets and launched several measures to mitigate transport-sourced air pollution, including policies to promote the use of electric vehicles (EVs). However, electrifying a fleet of vehicles requires high investment and it is difficult to fully implement all at once. Therefore, this research aims to develop a framework to help prioritize locations to promote EVs using motorcycle taxis in Bangkok as a case study. The surveyed data was collected from 406 motorcycle taxi drivers around Bangkok. The proposed framework is based on two aspects. One is the impact on CO2 emission reduction while another is the difficulty of EV deployment. The study's findings yield a potential matrix for EV deployment, which classifies locations into four priority groups. The study concludes that prioritizing locations with high CO2 reduction impact and low deployment difficulty is crucial for efficient EV promotion. Subsequently, recommendations are offered to assist authorities and automobile firms in effectively allocating resources for EV promotion. Policy recommendations highlight the significance of targeted interventions and enhancing public awareness to facilitate the widespread adoption of electric motorcycle. Implications from this study will help the authorities and automobile firms to prioritize areas and allocate budgets for promoting EVs efficiently.
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