Effectiveness of Travel Demand Management Policies in Promoting Rail Transit Use and Reducing Private Vehicle Emissions: A Stated Preference Study of Bangkok, Thailand
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In this study, we focused on policies to promote reduction in the use of private vehicles that could be implemented in Bangkok during periods of severe PM2.5 levels, including a flat charge for use of private cars, private vehicle bans, and public transport fare subsidization. The objective was to investigate how these policies can be used to help convince private car users to shift their travel modes to rail transit, and, thus, reduce vehicle emissions that contribute to air pollution. We conducted a stated preference survey of 731 private car users in Bangkok, Thailand, where stated-choice scenarios were specified with respect to all possible combinations of the proposed policies that could lead to a reduction of PM2.5 concentration. A binomial logit model was used for the analysis. Our results suggest that the effectiveness of the travel demand management policies would vary across geographical areas of the city. Public transport fare subsidization would be effective in reducing car use among residents in the inner suburbs. A car ban would be an effective measure in outer suburbs, while the flat charge would be effective among populations in central Bangkok and the inner suburbs.
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