Measuring Streetscape Qualities in a Car-dependent City: The Case of Three Historical Streets in Bangkok
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This study aims to apply the five urban design qualities identified by Reid Ewing and Otto Clemente in a different context. To conduct this empirical study, Bangkok was selected to exemplify a car-dependent city, and three Bangkok streets were chosen for study. The measurement of streetscape qualities was carried out using two approaches, objective and subjective, which were then compared in order to gain insight. The study employed convergent parallel mixed methods, in which both the quantitative and qualitative data were taken into account. Objective measurement of streetscape qualities was done based on qualitative data using fieldwork studies, while subjective evaluation of users’ perceptions was done based on a quantitative questionnaire. Analysis was based on a set of physical features and the measurement protocol. Its application in this study revealed how the features and protocol can be further developed by considering the background and context of the studied area in order to more effectively capture the streetscape qualities of the city. The results revealed that the streetscape elements that are less perceived by car drivers and passengers in the city are the ones located on sidewalks and that building details are hardly noticed by these motorists. Apparently, spatial perception and streetscape qualities are likely to be overlooked or less perceived in a car-dependent city. In hindsight, this study tends to support the study of users’ perceptions and satisfaction as part of the data collection and analysis process in the study of urban design.
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