Application of HAZUS-MH Flood Model in Developing Countries: The Case of Piura, Peru

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Wan Chantavilasvong
Leo Guerrero


This research looks at the U.S.’s HAZUS-MH Flood Model and adapts some of its methodologies to Piura, Peru, as an example of many regions around the world with limited technical and capital capacity to estimate inundation risks. Thus, this research proposes an accessible and doable flood risk estimation methodology which takes into account limited available data. The proposed methodology will produce maps of potential inundation areas and monetized damage values from flood scenarios. These outputs can further help local authorities design, decide, and prepare their risk mitigation and adaptation plans for the future.

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How to Cite
Chantavilasvong, W., & Guerrero, L. (2019). Application of HAZUS-MH Flood Model in Developing Countries: The Case of Piura, Peru. Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 16, 33–52.
Research Articles


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