Anti-Democratic Spaces and Impoverishment: Role of Roads in Low-Income Residential Areas
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This article identifies the low-income group as eco-friendly in terms of their favoured transit systems. Despite the group’s eco-friendly and sustainable attributes, they suffer the most in their use of urban spaces, in low-cost housings and in transportation planning, in particular the roads. There is corruption among others who push for road dominance in the infrastructure. There is a call for action in developing the following: greater transparency, democratic approaches, and compact developments with a rich juxtaposition of greenery enhancing pedestrian corridors. Community spaces connecting working areas with the Central Business Districts (CBD) and high densities residencies to be developed are popular and more sustainable options. A pragmatic contextual sensitive approach is demanded. Downsizing road networks within low-income neighbourhoods can empower the poor and their community, while simultaneously mitigating the risk of corruption generated by the development of roads. The problem is global; operational, managerial and strategic in scope with the capacities of enterprising urban poor being wasted in urban-city governance. The recommendations target stopping the conversation of critical government policies into mere rhetoric. Flooding, housing, education, and public health were identified areas for strategic intervention. The Rand study and a review of the DG SANCO EU report was adapted as the approach to this research. ‘Co-petition’ and collaboration among government authorities, built-up professionals, and inclusiveness of targeted population remains imperative; even so, the review of academic curricular and methods towards environmental leadership for sustainability shifts from planning for cities and cars to planning for humans.
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