Analysis of the Emergence and Decline of Waterfront Markets in the Nakhonchaisri Basin: Based on Spatial Confi guration

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Tapanee Rattanathavorn
Pornchai Jittiwasurat


This article has as its objective to explain the emergence and decline of waterfront markets in the
Nakornchaisri basin, Nakornpathom Province, Thailand, with a focus on spatial confi guration
characteristics and spatial centrality using spatial confi guration analysis and principles. The analysis
incorporates the theories of natural movement, movement economy process, and spatial centrality. The space syntax program was used in the analysis to produce a spatial model map representing transportation route networks of the past and the present for comparison to determine how and why the changes occurred.

The study results reveal that waterfront markets experienced three major periods of the emergence and decline. The fi rst period is the emergence and continuation of the markets (1897-1966). The second is the decline of the markets (1967-1996) and the third is the revival of the markets (1997-present). In addition, it was found that accessibility based on the spatial centrality increased following the change from water to land-based transportation. This resulted in waterfront markets losing their distinctive characteristics as towns expanded.  Thus the research has a primary recommendation that water and land transportation routes be integrated in order for the markets to help maintain the value of waterfronts’ cultural landscape in the Asian context.

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How to Cite
Rattanathavorn, T., & Jittiwasurat, P. (2014). Analysis of the Emergence and Decline of Waterfront Markets in the Nakhonchaisri Basin: Based on Spatial Confi guration. Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 10, 85–96. retrieved from
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