Categorization of Landscape Elements for Housing Development: Practitioners Perspective

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Ankita Srivastava
Yogesh Kumar Garg


People living in urban areas have an aspiration to be in touch with nature, attractive environments,
places where they can recreate, play and have leisure that enhances their health and well-being.
To help achieve these desires landscape elements play a vital role and thus become an integrated part of everyday urban life. Resilient landscape can help to achieve “sustainability” at a macro level, “health” at a miso level and “well-being” at a micro level in urban areas. Most people spend maximum time at their home, experiencing various landscape elements during daily routines. These elements knowingly or unknowingly happen to be the part of their life and people get attached to them which also affect their well-being. This paper identifi es the landscape elements that effects people and their housing through a review of literature.  The paper also categorizes the identifi ed landscape elements from practitioners’ perspectives that should be created in developing housing for the health and well-being of the residents.

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How to Cite
Srivastava, A., & Kumar Garg, Y. (2014). Categorization of Landscape Elements for Housing Development: Practitioners Perspective. Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 10, 1–12. retrieved from
Review Articles