Modeling Design and Management of Residential Community for Enhancing Elderly Well-Being in Thai Cultural and Spiritual Environments

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Porntip Ruengtam


This research presents factors related to the environmental perceptions, the residential community, and the design of spiritual and healing environments, which effect the elderly Thai population. The research revealed that their needs were identified as 1) the requirements of general facilities and activities, 2) requirements of facilities related to health and security, and 3) the requirements of facilities related to physical exercise. The results show that the characteristics of the elderly have a direct effect on a variety of requirements needed in the residential community. From observing and interviewing three case studies, the concept of the spiritual environment was necessary for the elderly Thais. The result led to formulating appropriate policies in design and management of the residential community to enhance the quality of life, both physically and mentally, of elderly Thais.

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How to Cite
Ruengtam, P. (2016). Modeling Design and Management of Residential Community for Enhancing Elderly Well-Being in Thai Cultural and Spiritual Environments. Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 12, 1–12. retrieved from
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