Optimum Fiber Content to Improve Compressive Strength of Glass Fibers Reinforced Cellular Lightweight Concrete for Hollow-core Precast Panel Walls
Glass fiber, Cellular lightweight concrete, Compressive strengthAbstract
This study aimed to identify the optimal amount of glass fibers to enhance the compressive strength of Glass Fiber reinforced Cellular Lightweight Concrete (GF-CLC). The compressive strength of cellular lightweight concrete with densities of 1.20 × 102 kg m–3 and 1.60 × 102 kg m–3, containing different percentages (1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, and 6% by weight of cement) of glass fibers, was evaluated using BS EN 12390 Part 1 – 4 tests and compared with non-fiber specimens. The results indicate that 1% glass fiber reinforcement has an insignificant effect on compressive strength, while proportions of 2 – 4% by weight of cement lead to a significant increase in compressive strength at all stages of curing age. The optimum fiber content was found to be 4% by weight of cement, resulting in compressive strength improvements of 2 times and 1.60 times compared to non-fiber reinforced specimens at 1.20 × 102 kg m–3 and 1.60 × 102 kg m–3, respectively. However, adding more than 4% glass fiber by weight of cement leads to a decrease in compressive strength and a constant tendency at higher densities. Compressive strength tends to increase with increased density, curing time, and fiber content because more dense concrete provides higher bonding and pull-out strength between CLC and glass fiber, thereby enhancing the fiber’s performance in resisting tensile and shear forces in the cellular lightweight concrete particles, resulting in higher ultimate compressive strength.
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