The effect of excess air on combustion behaviors in vertical pulverized biomass burner
Pulverized biomass, Excess air, BurnerAbstract
The objectives of this research were to improve biomass burners to be suitable for horizontal fire tube boilers and to study the influence of stoichiometry, 10, 20 and 30% excess air with the air supply divided into two parts, including primary air and secondary air. Rubber wood sawdust was used as the biomass for this experiment. The biomass burners in this experiment had an internal diameter of 30 cm and a chamber height of 70 cm, which stand on the bottom ash bin, comprising combustion with a heating power of 150 kW and a 40:60 percent ratio of primary air to secondary air. The results showed that the burner was able to maintain a constant burning state when the temperature at which the fuel particles were fed into the burner was higher than the devolatilization temperature (400 °C). The introduction of secondary air into the center burner in a three-way rotation resulted in flame characteristics within the burner induced in the internal center arc of the burner by a radial ratio (r /R) of 0.33 – 1. The radial ratio (r/R) of 0.67 showed that the combustion reaction with 10% excess air had a maximum mean temperature distribution inside the burner of 1,000 °C. Combustion at 10% excess air had minimum residual carbon in the fly ash of 38.22% and a maximum combustion efficiency of 89.29%. As a result, such excess air was suitable as a condition used for vertical biomass burners.
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