Comparison of Some Properties of Y123 and Gd123 Superconducting Material
Gd123, Y123, Four-probes measurement, X-ray diffractionAbstract
Gd123 and Y123 superconducting materials were synthesized using the conventional solid-state reaction method, and their physical properties were compared. The critical temperature was determined based on the relationship between resistivity and temperature, and the average temperatures of Gd123 and Y123 were found to be 87.35K and 86.48K, respectively. The percentage of the superconducting compound and non-superconducting compound was determined using the Rietveld refinement method, which also revealed that the orthorhombic crystal structure belonged to the superconducting compound. The Gd123 sample had a higher proportion of the superconducting compound than the Y123 sample. EDX mapping analysis was used to investigate the composition of the samples, including the elements Y, Ba, Cu, and O, and the absence of impurities. The Gd123 and Y123 samples had melting points of 1,313K and 1,303K, respectively. The oxygen content of the samples was determined using the iodometric titration method, and the Gd123 and Y123 samples had oxygen contents of 6.68 and 6.58, respectively.
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