Effect of Increasing Arc Welding Current with E3-UM-600 on Abrasive Wear Behavior of Agricultural Soil Preparation Equipment
DOI: 10.14416/j.ind.tech.2024.12.001
Welding current, Hardfacing, Wear, Soil preparation equipmentAbstract
This research studies the effect of increase welding current in hard-faced welding process arc type with flux-covered welding wire E3-UM-600 that affect the metallurgical and mechanical properties welding hardfacing surface for agricultural soil preparation equipment to find appropriate welding current conditions. The AISI1050 medium carbon steel was welded simulating a 3 layer overlapping weld with a welding current of 90-130 A. The results of the study found that the weld line was complete with no defects in base metal area heat-affected zone and the hardened weld Welding with low welding current resulted in high values of the weld line convexity. When the welding current was increased, the width and penetration depth of the weld line increased. The welding current of 90A gives an average maximum weld convexity of 4.3 millimeters. Microstructure of the weld metal consists of martensite and austenite. Welding with high welding current causes high heat to enter the workpiece high dilution causing low hardness. Analysis of the chemical composition of the weld metal found the elements chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo) and silicon (Si). The increase in the amount of trace elements this results in an increase in the weld hardness value decreased wear rate. The best condition in this research is welding current of 90A has the highest average weld hardness of 634 HV and the lowest average wear percentage is 0.268 %.
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