Effect of the Ternary Blends (Ethanol-Biodiesel-Diesel) on Deterioration of a Stationary Agricultural Engine
DOI: 10.14416/j.ind.tech.2024.08.015
Ethanol, Biodiesel, Ternary blends, DiesoholAbstract
This study determines the effect of ethanol in the ternary blend on the long-term use of the engine. A stationary agricultural engine is selected for the 500-hour endurance test because of the high feasibility of using ethanol blends as regular in the future. Ethanol 10 % (E10) is mixed with the blend of biodiesel 10% and 90% diesel (B10). So, the test fuel is B10E10. Commercial diesel, which has 7% biodiesel, is also used for the comparison. To simulate the actual application, the engine connected to a water pump was operated to circulate the water. The engine deterioration is evaluated through the change in performance and emissions when compared after 500 hours of use and before the beginning of the test. The engine wear is denoted by the metal contamination in lube oil. Also, the appearance and measured value of parts from the disassembled test engine are used to reveal the engine damage. Moreover, engine oil degradation was also checked by the oil condition and the additive depletion. The results found that torque and fuel consumption changed and indicated engine deterioration as usual. According to lubricant oil results, there is no effect of ternary blend superior to the commercial diesel. No evidence of severe wear can be detected. The engine can run smoothly throughout the test without any adverse consequences. Therefore, the use of ethanol-blended fuel in agriculture engines can expand.
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