Efficiency Enhancement of An Inductive Power Transfer System Used for Battery Charging Through Frequency Control and Compensation Adjustment
DOI: 10.14416/j.ind.tech.2024.08.014
Battery charging, Constant current (CC), Constant voltage (CV), Inductive power transfer (IPT), Efficiency enhancementAbstract
Applying inductive power transfer (IPT) technologies for battery charging enhances user convenience and operational safety. While charging the battery, the current or voltage of the battery varies according to its state of charge. The system controller must be able to maintain a constant charging current or voltage according to the charging profile designated for each type of battery. This can be achieved by sending the appropriate commands to control the operation of the power switches inside the inverter. This article presents techniques for controlling an IPT system by varying the inverter’s switching frequency along with adjusting compensation parameters in order to achieve constant current or voltage charging while maintaining high system efficiency. The experimental results obtained from the testing system indicate an approximate 10% improvement in system efficiency for the constant current mode (CC) and 5% for the constant voltage mode (CV), compared to a fixed switching frequency scheme.
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