Design and development of the Pallet Shot Machine
DOI: 10.14416/
Pallet shooting machine, Wood pallet products, Product design, Qualitative function distribution techniquesAbstract
This research aims to design and develop a pallet nailing machine by applying the qualitative function distribution (QFD) technique to analyse user requirements and utilising engineering design principles as a guideline for modeling the prototype pallet nailing machine for pallet production. From the study of the wood pallet manufacturing process of the sample companies that produce and distribute pallets in various sizes, we found that it took manual labour 7 minutes to assemble one wooden pallet. Therefore, QFD is used to analyse the demand for pallet-nailing machine machines. From QFD analysis, it can be concluded that the important requirements for the machine are easy to assemble and install, reasonable shape and size, and efficient operation. Then this information can be used to build a quality pallet house, revealing the technical details of the pallet nailing machine. As a result, these technical details help the research team to gain the specifications for the design and development of the prototype pallet nailing machine based on engineering principles. When testing the performance of the prototype pallet nailing machine by using an air pressure of 5 bar to shoot 1.5-inch nails to 36 positions, 2 nails per one sheet, totaling 72 positions, it took 5 minutes to assemble 1 pallet, which achieved research objectives.
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