Application of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis of Plastics Industry with Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making a Case Study: Plastic Resin Manufacturing in Thailand
DOI: 10.14416/
Reverse logistics, Reverse logistics in the plastic industry, Risk mitigationAbstract
This study proposes a fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making framework (Fuzzy MCDM) based on failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) for prioritizing mitigation strategies for reverse logistics risks in the recycled plastic industry. The proposed framework steps can be divided into six phases as follows; (i) FMEA of reverse logistics risks and risk mitigation strategies are identified through extensive literature review and validated by a group of experts, (ii) defined the measurable scales for criteria including severity (S), occurrence (O), detectability (D), cost (C), degree of difficult to solve problems (F), and time (T), (iii) calculate the subjective weights of criteria by deploying Fuzzy AHP, (iv) compute the objective weights of criteria by utilizing Entropy method, (v) obtain the combined weighs of criteria, (vi) prioritize the failure modes by applying Fuzzy CODAS. The results showed that the priority Inventory risk (FM7) is the most important. Plastic resin manufacturers in Thailand are used as a case study. The results of this study may benefit scholars and practitioners involved in the plastic industry to mitigate reverse logistics risks.
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