The System Analysis and Build Prototype of Flat-plate Solar Collector by 3-D Finite Element Method
DOI: 10.14416/
Flat-plate solar collector, 3-D finite element, Temperature, Heat transferAbstract
In this article, a mathematical model for temperature distribution in a flat-plat solar collector is proposed. The simulation employed the 3D finite element method developed by MATLAB programming by modeling the temperature distribution of the flat-plate solar collector mathematically in the second-order partial differential equations. To solve this time-dependent system, a step-by-step numerical integration of the backward difference algorithm is applied. The simulated result graphically revealed the temperature distribution in the flat-plate solar collector. A flat-plate solar collector has been prototyped and tested in a real environment. The results of temperature distribution using the 3-D finite element method have a maximum temperature of 62 °C. The actual measurement results from the thermal scan and the digital thermometer were 57.7 °C and 58.3 °C, respectively. The temperature result from the simulation model and the actual measurement are in good agreement.
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