The Engine Start Ability of Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol Blended Diesel Fuel for a Common Rail Diesel Engine
DOI: 10.14416/
Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol, ABE20, Diesel, Diesel Engines, Engine Start AbilityAbstract
Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) blended with diesel fuel in 20% by volume (ABE20) has been a promising alternative fuel for replacing diesel fuel. Consequently, it can be used in the unmodified diesel engine with slight effects on engine performance, combustion, and emissions, presenting stability during engine operation similar to diesel. However, ABE20 is composed of alcohol, presenting the low auto-ignition ability and high latent heat of vaporization compared to diesel fuel. These can affect the engine start ability. Therefore, this work aims to evaluate the engine start ability of ABE20 on a common rail diesel engine in different testing room temperatures and to investigate the fuel consumption during the period of engine start and continuously idling in 60 seconds. The experimental results show that ABE20 presented the engine start timing longer than diesel fuel for all testing conditions and its fuel consumption was higher than diesel fuel. However, the reduction of ambient temperature by 10°C insignificantly affected engine start ability but not for fuel consumption.
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