Tube Settler Application with Polymer for Sedimentation Efficiency in Beverage Industry Wastewater
DOI: 10.14416/
Tube Settler; Sedimentation; Beverage Industry Wastewater; Wastewater TreatmentAbstract
This research aims to tube settler application and cationic polymer for sedimentation efficiency in wastewater treatment in beverage industry wastewater. The result of this research was found that tube settler and polymer application can reduce total solids, turbidity, and COD, respectively. The COD after sedimentation with Tube Settler was presented 27 mg L-1. The efficiency of wastewater treatment was 96% when comparing before and after tube settler utilization. Moreover, the total solid removal was reduced to 1,000 mg L-1. Turbidity removal after tube settler and the cationic polymer was reduced from 90 NTU to 3 NTU. Tube Settler can be effectively reduced total solids, turbidity, and COD, respectively. Therefore, this research was tube settler and polymer application that was obtained the reducing of sediment in the sedimentation tank that was interesting. Finally, this research can be continuing to be applied within other industries for wastewater treatment efficiency increasing and can be circulated in industry.
[2] (Accessed on 08 July 2020)
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