Audiovisual Quality Assessment: A Study of Video Calls Provided by Social Media Applications
DOI: 10.14416/
Audiovisual; Video Call, Social Media Application, QoE; MOS, Subjective MethodAbstract
This study presents a comparative study about audiovisual quality from Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and LINE when using them specifically to make video calls from smartphones. The first part of this study is based on subjective tests. After gathering the results, audiovisual quality from each social media application has been calculated before conducting statistical analysis. From the results and analysis, it has been found that Messenger can provide slightly better audiovisual quality with Mean Opinion Score (MOS) of 4.02-4.10 than WhatsApp and LINE with MOS of 3.75-3.85 and 3.63-3.90 respectively, although there is no significant difference after testing the hypotheses by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique. Besides, this study has shown that the Hands’ additive linear model and the Belmudez & Moller’s full model are reliable to be utilized for short conversation - audiovisual quality assessment, which is one of the contributions of this study.
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