The Effect of Radon Gas Volume and Solutions of Construction Material Products as Building Envelopes
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This research aimed to investigate the effect of radon gas volume and solutions of construction material products as building envelopes. Radon gas is an odorless gas naturally found in soil, rock and sand and is produced by the decay of the elements radium and uranium. This is the main raw material in the construction industry which causes the raw materials and building materials to release radon gas. Especially in buildings and rooms with poor ventilation and improper building materials. This research investigated radon emissions from 4 types of raw building materials and building envelope material products such as wall building materials, floor and other building materials. After that, the product with the highest radon emissions was selected and modelled into a room to study the radon emission value and calculate the annual effective radiation dose that residents were likely to experience. Moreover, this was to try develop methods and solving problems guideline. From the study, it was found that sand had the most radon gas emissions of all raw materials. Aerated blocks from North area were the most radon-emitting building material products. When a mock room was built, radon emission values did not exceed the recommended values similar to calculating the radiation volume of annual resident. From the research, plastering and interior plastic painting reduced radon emissions from building materials in turn reducing air pollution and maintaining the health of the residents of the building as well.
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