Development of Measurement Tools A Case Study Automotive Wire Harness Manufacturer

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Chalermsak Thavornwat
kaona Jongwuttanaruk


This research presented and studied the Measurement System Analysis: MSA as the foundation of a strategy for improvement of any process with extensively applied QC tool. The experiment was performed in a real-time production process with Product A in a case study of an electric wire manufacturer’s company, operating its business in a highly competitive condition. It had products of auto-motive’s electric wire set with high flexibility, which may be highly mistaken from the measurement system. Therefore, this research examined causes and factors affecting the measurement system, and contributing to change in any parameters including accuracy, precision and stability with effects on quality cost and confidence of customers with the company. Gage R&R Measurement System Analysis: MSA was employed in this study provided the company was pressured to manufacture a high-quality product with lowest cost. According to the analysis result, the researcher would like to propose a guideline for improvement by providing a measurement board for the auto-motive’s electric wires instead of the traditional measurement method. The findings revealed that %P/T (Precision to Tolerance) %Tolerance (SV/Toler) decreased from 55.84% to 28.54%, indicating that the measurement system was applicable in detecting variance of the process, resulting in greater efficiency of the measurement system.

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How to Cite
Thavornwat, C., & Jongwuttanaruk, kaona. (2022). Development of Measurement Tools A Case Study Automotive Wire Harness Manufacturer. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 20(1), 25–35. retrieved from
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