Aerodynamic Studies and Conceptual Design of a Small Box-Wing VTOL UAV

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Danupol Sutthison
Prasatporn Wongkamchang
Nukul Sukuprakarn


This research presents a study of the aerodynamics of a small box-wing vertical take-off and landing unmanned aerial vehicle with the airfoil S3010, which has a high lift coefficient from the results of a comparison of the airfoils commonly used in small UAV design by the XFLR5 program. This airfoil was used for the modeling of baseline mono-plane UAV and box-wing UAV to compare the aerodynamic characteristics using computational fluid dynamics methods. The results show that box-wing UAVs had a 9.43% higher lift-to-drag than mono-plane UAVs at a cruising speed of 17.5 m/s and an angle of attack of 0°. As the results, the installation of tilt motor has been proposed for the further proceeding in the preliminary design phase.

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How to Cite
Sutthison, D. ., Wongkamchang, P., & Sukuprakarn, N. (2022). Aerodynamic Studies and Conceptual Design of a Small Box-Wing VTOL UAV. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 20(1), 49–60. retrieved from
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