Development of Water Hyacinth Gypsum Broad for Community Enterprise

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Kittiphan Boontositrakul
Pramot Weeranukul
Kittipong Suweero
Wiharn Deepanya


This research aims to develop the gypsum broads from water hyacinth for community enterprise. The 9 ratios of mixture were design which included 3 ratios of water hyacinth gypsum broads, 3 ratios of water hyacinth gypsum broads mixed with Portland cement type 1, 3 ratios of water hyacinth gypsum broads mixed with Portland cement type 1 and pre vulcanized latex. These gypsum broads were casted in molds and were tested by using the TIS.219-2009 (No moisture resistant property type). According to the results, the proper volume of water hyacinth in gypsum broads effected to decrease the density, water absorption, and thermal conductivity properties of gypsum broads and also increase the breaking strength, and nail withdrawal properties of gypsum broads. The 0.75: 0.25: 0.0075: 0.05: 0.003: 1 by weight of gypsum plaster: Portland cement type 1: water hyacinth: pre vulcanized latex: non-ionic surface active agent: water ratio was the suitable ratio and passed the standard. It had the properties included 896.30 kg/m3 of density, 51.70 % of water absorption, 219.58 g/m2 of surface water absorption, 653.50 N of longitudinal breaking strength, 384.41 N of transverse breaking strength, 4.48 mm of deflection, and 0.195 watt/m.K of thermal conductivity. And this gypsum board was used as same as the common gypsum board and was able to produce by local communities.

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How to Cite
Boontositrakul, K., Weeranukul, P., Suweero, K., & Deepanya , W. . (2021). Development of Water Hyacinth Gypsum Broad for Community Enterprise. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 19(1), 113–123. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Kittiphan Boontositrakul, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Education, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon

Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon

Pramot Weeranukul, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Education, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon

Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon


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