Development of Particleboard from Northern Black Wattle Tree Bark for Using as Decorative Materials

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Pakawat Kerprasit
Pramot Weeranukul
Itthi Weeranukul
Kittipong Suweero
Kittiworn Muangprab


This research aims to develop the particleboard from northern black wattle tree bark for using as decorative materials. The ratios of northern black wattle tree bark to polymeric diphenyl methane diisocyanate (pMDI) were designed into 12 ratios which differenced in pMDI amount (3% and 5%), density (450 and 700 kg/m3), and bark size (6 mm, 10 mm, and 6 and 10 mm). The developed particleboard samples were casted by using the compression 280 ksc and heat 150 oC for 7 minutes and tested by following the TIS.876-2004 standard. According to the results, the proper ratios of particleboard for decoration work were the particleboards which used the 700 kg/m3 of density, 7% of pMDI amount, and 10 mm or 6 and 10 mm of bark sizes. These particleboards had the properties which can meet the TIS.876-2004 standard including: density, moisture content, thickness swelling, tensile strength perpendicular to surface, and adhesive surface. However, some properties of particleboards cannot meet the standard including: bending strength, and elastic modulus. The developed particleboards had low thermal conductivity coefficient (0.120 - 0.131 w/m.K), especially when comparing to the other construction materials. Moreover, these developed particleboards can use as the decoration materials which can cut and drill as same as the particleboards in the market.

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How to Cite
Kerprasit, P., Weeranukul, P., Weeranukul, I., Suweero, K., & Muangprab , K. . (2021). Development of Particleboard from Northern Black Wattle Tree Bark for Using as Decorative Materials . Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 19(1), 125–135. retrieved from
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